This is just my little place to complain, to express my thoughts, and to sometimes put up little things about my life that I may feel like sharing. I'm fairly opinonated at times, and my opinions have offened people in the past, and I know they will in the future. If you are offended easily, please, feel free to go somewere else! Simple fact of the matter is, I may offend you with my thoughts, and you may offend me with yours. If you can't deal with it, I don't really care.

11 November 2013

The Greater Good

Below are some simple words to understand, unfortunately in today's America it seems that many politicians and police agencies can't read them.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

It's not like these government agencies and the politicians and bureaucrats that control them don't know what this says, it's been the law of the land for 222 years now. The problem is that it hinders what they consider "progress", do they will chip away at it, see how far they can push it, and if need be they will change the courts until the courts will allow them to violate it with impunity. Ask for "the greater good", whenever good people hear someone say it's for "the greater good" they should stand up and take notice, because it rarely is good.

07 November 2013

The FDA is looking for more Control

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided to ban trans fats from the United States of America. That's right, it wasn't congress that is issuing a ban, it's a unelected bureaucrat that doesn't have to answer to the American people. I've had discussions with people who are all for this, they think that it's up to the FDA to keep Americans trim and healthy. Unfortunately, I've had to point out that the obesity that they're so concerned about has skyrocketed in the 107 years since the FDA was formed.
     The FDA isn't there to keep you from getting fat, and we've has enough tainted food hit the market in the United States to show they're not great at keeping you healthy either. Anyone who's had to drive halfway across Las Vegas, or any other big city, because that's where the ambulance took your wife because of food poisoning knows how well they do at that.
     The FDA's main role is to regulate drugs, they make drugs that have a lot of promise wait years to go through a "testing" process all the while the same drugs are saving lives in Europe. These trials don't always give you a great feeling that the drugs that they approve when you see some of the side effects of them. I'm not talking about something that gives you a headache, I'm talking about making teens suicidal or even worse, homicidal. In fact, most of the mass shootings that you see being sensationalized by the media, the perpetrator was prescribed a FDA approved drug.
     The FDA isn't about making your life that much better, it's more about controlling your life however some unelected bureaucrat thinks best.

06 November 2013

The nightmare of the Virginia governor's election

     The reason that people are so up in arms over Bill "Blowjob" Clinton's lackey Terry Mcaullif winning the governorship in Virginia is that even being 10 points down a month ago Ken Cucinelli closed the gap and had a chance. The RNC hardly put any money into the race because they didn't really care. Cucinelli was someone who liked by the Tea Party, therefore he was someone who the establishment GOP can't stand.
     The establishment GOP, asking with the media and the democrats have now picked the Fat Bastard in New Jersey to be the next GOP presidential nominee. Why would they want him to be the nominee when the only difference between him and the democrats is the (R) next to his name? Could it be because there is no real difference between the parties anymore? They will all get us to the same place, the place that is built with big government (Chris Christie big), punishing success, and breaking the backs of the middle class.
     While the democrats are in full attack mode, ready to "keep a boot in the throat of the enemy". The GOP would simply rather take out one of their item than the opposition. The democrats have to love the fact the the GOP will eat their own instead of calling them out.

It's already one party rule in a two party system, and its time to wake up the American people.

The Libertarians Ruined My Election

     I'm seeing a lot of people whining and crying about yesterday's failed bid by Cuccinelli to become the next governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The republicans are blaming libertarians, the Tea Party is blaming the establishment GOP. The problem is, no one is blaming the democrats that voted for Slick Willy's lackey instead of the people who are genuinely fed up with politics as usual. Is it that much better to blame "libertarians" instead of the brain dead people who are looking for a handout?
     Cuccinelli may not have been the perfect candidate, but who really is the "perfect" candidate anyways in this day? The biggest problem is the fact that those who would think similarly to Cuccinelli would reject him for one thing or another. There are too many "single issue" voters out there that their single issue is a part of the constitution, but would reject the rest of it.
     As much as I'm against compromise, because compromise has lost us more rights that it has given us freedom, there are times that we need to get together in order to get to the end. The end that we need to work towards is ending progressivism, in both the Democrat party and in the GOP. We need to crush the democrats first, then clean house or build a new one.

Set your sights where they need to be, straight on those who would destroy this country.