This is just my little place to complain, to express my thoughts, and to sometimes put up little things about my life that I may feel like sharing. I'm fairly opinonated at times, and my opinions have offened people in the past, and I know they will in the future. If you are offended easily, please, feel free to go somewere else! Simple fact of the matter is, I may offend you with my thoughts, and you may offend me with yours. If you can't deal with it, I don't really care.

07 January 2010

M-4 Carbine

I'm going to be building a M-4 type carbine soon.

I've always tried to make sure that I know what I'm doing when it comes to shooting. I know how to shoot and I know a bit about moving while shooting, however, when I was doing a little search on today I saw that they have a DVD called The Art of the Tactical Carbine looks kinda cool, and it could be real helpful in moving past the basic movements.

If you've seen this DVD let me know how it is, if not, hopefully I'll be able to pick it up soon and when I do, I'll give it a little review on my website!

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