The President of these United States has now come out in support of building a mosque right next to the site were the World Trade Center once stood, he says that we all have the right to practice our religion as we want to. He's right in the fact that the Bill of Rights guarantees that we can worship as we want too. The government does not have the right to say that a Mosque, a church or a temple can not be built anywhere, that is the whole point of the first amendment to our constitution, it's there to make sure that the government can't persecute you for your beliefs, (like they did in Waco, Texas to the Branch Davidians , or when the Governor of Missouri signed the extermination order on the Mormons).
The government can however investigate the scumbag that is wanting to build this mosque, they can figure out why exactly he wants to break ground on Sept. 11, 2011, and they can investigate exactly were his funding is coming from. More than that though, it is about time that the people of America grow a pair and let these fucking Muslims know that they are not to build a mosque at ground zero to commemorate their victory in killing almost 3,000 people. The Muslims have a habit of doing this, anywhere that they have conquered (think Temple Mount) they build a place to pray at, it is a source of their power. The people of the United States, and more importantly the people of New York, need to stand up, and stand united and tell these terrorists that they will not worship at ground zero, this is OUR SITE, not theirs!
This is where I can bitch about the government, politics, republicans, democrats, and just about every damn politician out there. This is also where I talk about survival, camping, photography, and other shit that I do to have fun, as well as other things that are going on around me!
This is just my little place to complain, to express my thoughts, and to sometimes put up little things about my life that I may feel like sharing. I'm fairly opinonated at times, and my opinions have offened people in the past, and I know they will in the future. If you are offended easily, please, feel free to go somewere else
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