I took the girls camping recently up in the mountains near here. This was one of the funnest times that I've had with them in a long time, and it's always fun to get away and reconnect with them. Although we should have taken a smaller tent, and we should have packed a lot lighter than we did it was a good experience. Of course Josh didn't want to go, although he was pissed when he found that we took a couple of guns and that the girls got to shoot some. Maybe next time he'll want too...
This is where I can bitch about the government, politics, republicans, democrats, and just about every damn politician out there. This is also where I talk about survival, camping, photography, and other shit that I do to have fun, as well as other things that are going on around me!
This is just my little place to complain, to express my thoughts, and to sometimes put up little things about my life that I may feel like sharing. I'm fairly opinonated at times, and my opinions have offened people in the past, and I know they will in the future. If you are offended easily, please, feel free to go somewere else
05 September 2010
I took the girls camping recently up in the mountains near here. This was one of the funnest times that I've had with them in a long time, and it's always fun to get away and reconnect with them. Although we should have taken a smaller tent, and we should have packed a lot lighter than we did it was a good experience. Of course Josh didn't want to go, although he was pissed when he found that we took a couple of guns and that the girls got to shoot some. Maybe next time he'll want too...
15 August 2010
9/11 Mosque
The President of these United States has now come out in support of building a mosque right next to the site were the World Trade Center once stood, he says that we all have the right to practice our religion as we want to. He's right in the fact that the Bill of Rights guarantees that we can worship as we want too. The government does not have the right to say that a Mosque, a church or a temple can not be built anywhere, that is the whole point of the first amendment to our constitution, it's there to make sure that the government can't persecute you for your beliefs, (like they did in Waco, Texas to the Branch Davidians , or when the Governor of Missouri signed the extermination order on the Mormons).
The government can however investigate the scumbag that is wanting to build this mosque, they can figure out why exactly he wants to break ground on Sept. 11, 2011, and they can investigate exactly were his funding is coming from. More than that though, it is about time that the people of America grow a pair and let these fucking Muslims know that they are not to build a mosque at ground zero to commemorate their victory in killing almost 3,000 people. The Muslims have a habit of doing this, anywhere that they have conquered (think Temple Mount) they build a place to pray at, it is a source of their power. The people of the United States, and more importantly the people of New York, need to stand up, and stand united and tell these terrorists that they will not worship at ground zero, this is OUR SITE, not theirs!
The government can however investigate the scumbag that is wanting to build this mosque, they can figure out why exactly he wants to break ground on Sept. 11, 2011, and they can investigate exactly were his funding is coming from. More than that though, it is about time that the people of America grow a pair and let these fucking Muslims know that they are not to build a mosque at ground zero to commemorate their victory in killing almost 3,000 people. The Muslims have a habit of doing this, anywhere that they have conquered (think Temple Mount) they build a place to pray at, it is a source of their power. The people of the United States, and more importantly the people of New York, need to stand up, and stand united and tell these terrorists that they will not worship at ground zero, this is OUR SITE, not theirs!
04 July 2010
Happy 4th
Happy 4th of July, I hope that everyone remembers what today means, especially the current regime.
26 June 2010
I was out today and I got a flat tire, and although I try to be prepared, I had overlooked that fact that my spare tire has a leak right at the bead and that my lug wrench grew legs! Luckily there are still a few decent people out there that were there to help me out when I needed it. I resolve that this won't happen again, especially when I go out into the mountains were if I'm lucky no one will see me for a long time. I plan on putting together an emergency flat kit, in and I would recommend thateveryone else does the same. For my kit I plan on including: a bottle of slime, a tire plug kit
, an air compressor
, and a lug wrench that will work on different cars in case I need to stop to help someone else out.
I've always tried to lend a hand to people that have things like this happen, and I've seen my fair share of flat tires, especially when I've been off the pavement, this is just further proof that karma is real, what goes around comes around!
I've always tried to lend a hand to people that have things like this happen, and I've seen my fair share of flat tires, especially when I've been off the pavement, this is just further proof that karma is real, what goes around comes around!
29 March 2010
The Future
It's amazing, it seems like every time that I turn on the news they're always talking about how a few dumbasses in congress that decided to vote against what the people that elected them wanted are getting threatened. The left is up in arms about the threats against them, never mind the fact that over the past eight years they threatened President Bush's life on a daily basis, the difference is, the had people making threats that were doing it and calling it "art" so it was somehow protected speech.
Over this last weekend the FBI raided "militia" groups in the midwest, the government is once again nervous about these people, I seem to remember that the last time that we were hearing about them was the last time that the left was trampling [certain] rights in this country. I do find it amazing how some of the very people that are up in arms now sat by wile other rights were thrown out the window, those are the rights that make it so that these "militia" people are going to be labeled as terrorists and treated and investigated as such. It really is kind of sad that all this is going on, and I see some bad things coming in the future if things don't change.
It's times like this that I wish that I was making a bit more money, I would really prefer to be getting better stocked up on my survival supplies...
Over this last weekend the FBI raided "militia" groups in the midwest, the government is once again nervous about these people, I seem to remember that the last time that we were hearing about them was the last time that the left was trampling [certain] rights in this country. I do find it amazing how some of the very people that are up in arms now sat by wile other rights were thrown out the window, those are the rights that make it so that these "militia" people are going to be labeled as terrorists and treated and investigated as such. It really is kind of sad that all this is going on, and I see some bad things coming in the future if things don't change.
It's times like this that I wish that I was making a bit more money, I would really prefer to be getting better stocked up on my survival supplies...
21 March 2010
Tonight as I was at work, the United States House of Representatives, has destroyed my country.
11 March 2010
I watched the movie for A Clockwork Orange the other day, I've loved that movie ever since I was a kid, I know, weird movie for a kid to like in fact, there is no way in hell that my kids are going to watch it. Now I'm almost done reading the book
, If you've seen the movie and thought it was messed up, try the book, the movie was tame!
03 March 2010
It's amazing all the earthquakes have happened recently, first the Island of the Damned gets nailed, killing hundreds of thousands of people, then it's Chile, with one of the strongest ever recorded. Fortunately, Chile is well prepared for these things so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, in fact if that quake had hit Haiti, the death toll would've been a hell of a lot higher than the 200,000+ that is already is.Now, Taiwan has had an earthquake, it wasn't as strong as the other two, but there are currently reports of injuries and damages.
I personally am hoping that the next one hits the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia!
I personally am hoping that the next one hits the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia!
20 February 2010
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
19 February 2010
Shocking Secrets About Fast Food
4 Shocking Secrets About Fast Food!
This makes me extremely happy that my wife and I know how to cook! I really don't ever want to put this crap in my body, much less let my kids put it in theirs, and the simple fact of the matter is, if you're feeding this shit to your kids 3 meals a day, you don't deserve to be able too sue the fast food joint for your kid being a fat ass lump of crap, you deserve to be shot, or at the very least to have your kids taken away from you and your reproductive organs ripped from your body so you can't contaminate the gene pool any further!
This makes me extremely happy that my wife and I know how to cook! I really don't ever want to put this crap in my body, much less let my kids put it in theirs, and the simple fact of the matter is, if you're feeding this shit to your kids 3 meals a day, you don't deserve to be able too sue the fast food joint for your kid being a fat ass lump of crap, you deserve to be shot, or at the very least to have your kids taken away from you and your reproductive organs ripped from your body so you can't contaminate the gene pool any further!
18 February 2010
Supreme Court
They're saying that 80% of Americans think that the Supreme Court got a decision wrong. The ruling in question is where Corporations, Unions, or anyone else can put as much money towards political advertising that they want. Well, simple fact of the matter is that there are already organizations like the move on fucks that are already dumping tons of cash into elections against just about any republican that runs. Simple fact of the matter is most people, about 80% in fact seem to be forgetting something...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Considering that everything else that is said is considered to be "protected speech" how is it that political advertising isn't?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Considering that everything else that is said is considered to be "protected speech" how is it that political advertising isn't?
15 February 2010
Just wondering
It's Presidents Day,
I know that we combined Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays together to get this holiday, but why is it that these are the only two presidents to get a holiday?
I understand and support celebrating George Washington's birthday, after all he was the 1st president of our country.
Abe Lincoln was this nation's 16th president, and somehow gets credit for doing things that he didn't do (like freeing the slaves)
But we all know that there are other presidents that are deserving of getting their holiday, some more deserving than Lincoln, isn't it about time to give these men their holidays?
14 February 2010
09 February 2010
Stupid Women
I was just wondering how stupid women are going to get. You've got all these celebrities going out and screwing anything in a skirt, when they get caught they go and get diagnosed as being a "sex addict". Once you get the diagnosis you can go to "sex rehab" get cured and for some stupid reason, your wife will take you back! The part that I don't get is that when you're addicted to drugs, alcohol, or any damn thing else for that matter, in order to break the addiction, you QUIT doing the thing that you're addicted to. Apparently though, if you're addicted to sex you can continue to have kinky sex, but you're not tempted to bang other women anymore.
What a load of shit, when you're banging other women, your wife is supposed to leave you, take your kids and your money, and go start her life over letting you bang whoever the fuck you want without her, while you pick up the damn tab.
What a load of shit, when you're banging other women, your wife is supposed to leave you, take your kids and your money, and go start her life over letting you bang whoever the fuck you want without her, while you pick up the damn tab.
05 February 2010
In addition to my main website, I just bought another domain, hopefully it will be coming online soon!
04 February 2010
Anti-gun TV
Last night my wife was watching one of the shows that she likes on TV, in it there is an "anti-gun" character that decides that she needs a gun for protection, so she has another woman (who is supposedly knowledgeable about firearms) take her to get one. They break the law in the purchase, then they go to the firing range. The so called gun expert is teaching her how to shoot, and telling her to dehumanize the target, ie. don't think of him as a person, it's just an inanimate object that's trying to kill you, and you never shoot to wound, you ALWAYS SHOOT TO KILL!
First off, I'm not saying that you should think of your target as an inanimate object, but I'm also not saying that you should think of everyone that will miss the sorry piece of shit that you're about to kill. Simple fact of the matter is that once you've decided to kill me, you have forfeited any right to your own life that you ever had. After I shoot you, whether the trauma surgeons can save you or not, I'm going to sue your family for raising such a fine little piece of shit that I had to shoot it before it could shoot me. If it's down to you or me, it's you!
Secondly, it's true that you never shoot someone to wound them, but at the same time you never shoot to kill either. You are shooting to STOP THE ATTACK, that simple, when you go to shoot someone you don't aim for their leg to try to wound them, what of you miss and the bullet hits someone that you care about or an innocent person that happens to be behind your target. Imagine how shitty you'll feel then! You shoot center mass, that's the big part of the body, the part that you're most like to actually hit.
Sorry, but it just pisses me off how every time an anti gun writer does anything for a TV show they are out to make everyone that owns a gun out to be a blood thirsty lunatic. I'll put it very simple for ya, I've owned guns for years, and fortunately, I've never had to draw my gun or shoot someone, that doesn't mean that I won't be ready if and when that time comes that I have too!
First off, I'm not saying that you should think of your target as an inanimate object, but I'm also not saying that you should think of everyone that will miss the sorry piece of shit that you're about to kill. Simple fact of the matter is that once you've decided to kill me, you have forfeited any right to your own life that you ever had. After I shoot you, whether the trauma surgeons can save you or not, I'm going to sue your family for raising such a fine little piece of shit that I had to shoot it before it could shoot me. If it's down to you or me, it's you!
Secondly, it's true that you never shoot someone to wound them, but at the same time you never shoot to kill either. You are shooting to STOP THE ATTACK, that simple, when you go to shoot someone you don't aim for their leg to try to wound them, what of you miss and the bullet hits someone that you care about or an innocent person that happens to be behind your target. Imagine how shitty you'll feel then! You shoot center mass, that's the big part of the body, the part that you're most like to actually hit.
Sorry, but it just pisses me off how every time an anti gun writer does anything for a TV show they are out to make everyone that owns a gun out to be a blood thirsty lunatic. I'll put it very simple for ya, I've owned guns for years, and fortunately, I've never had to draw my gun or shoot someone, that doesn't mean that I won't be ready if and when that time comes that I have too!
26 January 2010
Obama says bin Laden tape shows weakness - Yahoo! News
Obama says bin Laden tape shows weakness - Yahoo! News
OK, so Prez BHO is taunting ObL, this can't end good... Tell the guy that him and his organization are irrelevant, and that they're weak. BHO has no idea if ObL is still in charge, or maybe he does, and he's just trying to make the American people feel better. Maybe he's trying to make us think that he's the one that is responsible for the US being safer, remember, it's GWB's fault that the economy is shit, but it's BHO who stopped the terrorists!
OK, so Prez BHO is taunting ObL, this can't end good... Tell the guy that him and his organization are irrelevant, and that they're weak. BHO has no idea if ObL is still in charge, or maybe he does, and he's just trying to make the American people feel better. Maybe he's trying to make us think that he's the one that is responsible for the US being safer, remember, it's GWB's fault that the economy is shit, but it's BHO who stopped the terrorists!
22 January 2010
I figured it out!
I think I've figured it out, the current President, BHO is trying to stop illegal immigration. That has to be it, he’s doing what he can to destroy the nation’s economy, and he’s trying to turn the United States of America into a socialist utopia. He’s decided that the banks are evil, and that they need to be regulated to death. The federal government already owns GM and Chrysler, and they tried to own all the banks already, unfortunately the banks have done a good job of paying back the government. His administration and his party are doing what they can to make sure that executives make no more than anyone else, no matter how well their company did. The simple fact of the matter is, if BHO can make this country not worth living in, he’s solved the illegal immigration problem, because no one is going to want to come here anymore!
21 January 2010
US Airways jet lands when religious item mistaken as bomb - Yahoo! News
US Airways jet lands when religious item mistaken as bomb - Yahoo! News: "A US Airways passenger plane was diverted to Philadelphia on Thursday after a religious item worn by a Jewish passenger was mistaken as a bomb, Philadelphia police said"
Since when have we been afraid that Jews are going to blow our planes out of the sky? Last I checked it was the muslims that we had to worry about, in fact they hate Jews more than anything. It's actually time that we take a page from the Jews, considering that El Al, Isreal's airline, is the most secure airline in the world! El Al profiles it's passengers, so if you meet the description of someone who is more likely to blow the plane up, you get an extra look. Imagine that, unfortunatly in this country, that's not possible, if you profile someone, you will offend them, and that's bad. So insted we get to endure EVERYONE getting anally probed by the TSA. They'll strip search a grandma or a two year old, but let the young muslim man go on through so as not to offend him.
Since when have we been afraid that Jews are going to blow our planes out of the sky? Last I checked it was the muslims that we had to worry about, in fact they hate Jews more than anything. It's actually time that we take a page from the Jews, considering that El Al, Isreal's airline, is the most secure airline in the world! El Al profiles it's passengers, so if you meet the description of someone who is more likely to blow the plane up, you get an extra look. Imagine that, unfortunatly in this country, that's not possible, if you profile someone, you will offend them, and that's bad. So insted we get to endure EVERYONE getting anally probed by the TSA. They'll strip search a grandma or a two year old, but let the young muslim man go on through so as not to offend him.
I'm just doing a little work with the layout of the blog today, just trying to figure out something that I like better that what I had here!
20 January 2010
Intel chief says Christmas bomb case mishandled - Yahoo! News:
"The nation's intelligence chief said Wednesday that the Christmas Day airline bombing suspect should have been treated as a terrorism detainee when the plane landed. That would have meant initial questioning by special interrogators."
The whole time we've been fighting the terrorists this government has treated this as a police action, they're using our military as cops over in Afghanistan and Iraq. The bleeding hearts out there cry foul if you attempt to fight a war like it's an actual war. Just look at old WWII footage, we bombed the hell out of Tokyo and Berlin in order to get the enemy to surrender (or kill themselves, witchever comes first). In this war we're not allowed to carpet bomb cities, we're have to use smart bombs that will hit an exact target, and god forbid one of those misses and there is colateral damage, the bleeding hearts will be out in the streets rioting and protesting our own! Which makes me wonder, how does a "peace rally
" become violent? Now the new administration is brining the terrorists to our own soil to give them a lawyer and a civilian trial, some of these are people that not only admit what they did, but are proud if it! Now thier lawyers can get them set free on a technicality, so they can kill more of us.
If they let these terrorists go, the people responsible will be guilty of treason, and will need to face the American people as traitors!
"The nation's intelligence chief said Wednesday that the Christmas Day airline bombing suspect should have been treated as a terrorism detainee when the plane landed. That would have meant initial questioning by special interrogators."
The whole time we've been fighting the terrorists this government has treated this as a police action, they're using our military as cops over in Afghanistan and Iraq. The bleeding hearts out there cry foul if you attempt to fight a war like it's an actual war. Just look at old WWII footage, we bombed the hell out of Tokyo and Berlin in order to get the enemy to surrender (or kill themselves, witchever comes first). In this war we're not allowed to carpet bomb cities, we're have to use smart bombs that will hit an exact target, and god forbid one of those misses and there is colateral damage, the bleeding hearts will be out in the streets rioting and protesting our own! Which makes me wonder, how does a "peace rally
If they let these terrorists go, the people responsible will be guilty of treason, and will need to face the American people as traitors!
Gut-check for Obama and Dems on health care - Yahoo! News
Gut-check for Obama and Dems on health care - Yahoo! News:
"Obama met briefly at the White House early Tuesday night with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Pelosi said Wednesday that Democrats have gotten the message from Massachusetts voters — and it isn't to drop health care. 'We heard, we will heed, we will move forward with their considerations in mind, but we will move forward' on health care, she said."
How fucking stupid is Pelosi? What message did the voters of Massachusetts send? Was it "keep doing what you're doing"?
Politicians are some of the dumbest people on the planet, I personally don't ever want the executive and legislative branches controlled by the same party, we get shit for laws that screw the entire country, every time.
The politicians in Washington are screwing this country, they don't care about you or me. They only care about getting re elected, no matter how much it costs us, our kids, our grandkids, and thiers. If you think that they care about what you think then you're WRONG, especially when it comes to health care reform, these damn democrats are going home and refusing to meet with thier constituents. They refuse to realize that the real reason that it costs so much to go and see the doctor is the malpractice lawsuits that have driven costs through the roof. There are always legitiment lawsuits, but I seriously doubt if the legitimate ones are in the majority, people nowdays will sue anyone for any stupid thing that they can think of. If they would only take on real, true tort reform we could drop the cost of health care without screwing every man, woman, and child in this country!
"Obama met briefly at the White House early Tuesday night with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Pelosi said Wednesday that Democrats have gotten the message from Massachusetts voters — and it isn't to drop health care. 'We heard, we will heed, we will move forward with their considerations in mind, but we will move forward' on health care, she said."
How fucking stupid is Pelosi? What message did the voters of Massachusetts send? Was it "keep doing what you're doing"?
Politicians are some of the dumbest people on the planet, I personally don't ever want the executive and legislative branches controlled by the same party, we get shit for laws that screw the entire country, every time.
The politicians in Washington are screwing this country, they don't care about you or me. They only care about getting re elected, no matter how much it costs us, our kids, our grandkids, and thiers. If you think that they care about what you think then you're WRONG, especially when it comes to health care reform, these damn democrats are going home and refusing to meet with thier constituents. They refuse to realize that the real reason that it costs so much to go and see the doctor is the malpractice lawsuits that have driven costs through the roof. There are always legitiment lawsuits, but I seriously doubt if the legitimate ones are in the majority, people nowdays will sue anyone for any stupid thing that they can think of. If they would only take on real, true tort reform we could drop the cost of health care without screwing every man, woman, and child in this country!
19 January 2010
I got this emailed to me today and thought that I'd post it here because it's so very true. The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
A billion dollars ago was only
8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) asked Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number...what does it mean?
If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528.
Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
Or... if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012.
Now, can you really think of anything that is that important that we should be spending that kind of money per capita in this country? It's time for a balaced budget, I don't give a shit what party is in office, like I said before, it's time to kick the bums out.
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
A billion dollars ago was only
8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) asked Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number...what does it mean?
If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528.
Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
Or... if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012.
Now, can you really think of anything that is that important that we should be spending that kind of money per capita in this country? It's time for a balaced budget, I don't give a shit what party is in office, like I said before, it's time to kick the bums out.
What the hell
It's been super cold for a long time here, but no snow. Now, it's decided to warm up to the high 30's to low 40's so that we can get some nice rain insted of snowing. This sucks, it's January in Utah, it's not supposed to be raining!
16 January 2010
One Year Later
It's been one year since we packed up and left Las Vegas to move here, for the most part it's been a good year, the kids have gotten thier freedom and they've made friends. My wife was able to finally find a job, even if it was just for a little while, and I've learned a little about machining, just not as much as I should have. I do have to admit that I'm happy that we've moved here.
11 January 2010
Oh my aching back!
I have a herniated disk in my lower back, (to the point that the first thing out of my doctor’s mouth when he saw my X-Ray was “holy crap”!) in addition to the degenerative disk or two in there. I’ve been taking my Darvocet and my flexeril, and I’m still in pain, all the time. I use an inversion board; witch helps a little, sometimes. I’ve been to physical therapy that helped, for a little while. Basically I’m at the point where it’s either have surgery, witch may or may not help, but statistics are more on the side of not, or just deal with the pain for the rest of my natural life. Neither sound like a very good option.
10 January 2010
I was looking at the state of Utah's website the other day in order to check out what it takes to get a Concealed Firearm Permit. I found that the only church in the entire state that has informed the state that they are going to forbid firearms from their property. How can a church that is so supportive of things like scouting, and has such a high percentage of it’s members that are law abiding gun owners be the one and only church in this state that has said that it’s members will go to jail if they bring a gun onto church property? This is the church that my parents go to, and the church that I end up going to when I actually go. I find it to be very disappointing that they would take this position, and it makes me believe in them even less.
07 January 2010
Fire them all!
RNC chairman Michael Steele is making me reconsider things! I've been thinking for awile now about changing my voter registration to get away from the Republican party. The GOP has been getting pretty stupid recently, and by electing former President George W Bush, and nominating Sen. John McCain for the last election it just goes to show that even most republican votes are getting pretty stupid. Yes I voted for Bush, and for McCain, but it was more a vote against Algore, Kerry, and Obama than it was a vote for any of them. It's about damn time that we KICK THE BUMS OUT! It's about time to fire all the bums in Washington and relplace them with people that believe in the constitution and in smaller government. This country has enough damn laws, and spends more than enough of our money on shit that we don't need. We need more people in Washington to will listen more to the 90% insted of the 10% like they do now. People are just too afraid to offend one person to do anything right anymore, and it's a real damn shame.
Kick the bums in Washington out and lets start fresh, PLEASE!
M-4 Carbine
I'm going to be building a M-4 type carbine soon.
I've always tried to make sure that I know what I'm doing when it comes to shooting. I know how to shoot and I know a bit about moving while shooting, however, when I was doing a little search on amazon.com today I saw that they have a DVD called The Art of the Tactical Carbine
looks kinda cool, and it could be real helpful in moving past the basic movements.
If you've seen this DVD let me know how it is, if not, hopefully I'll be able to pick it up soon and when I do, I'll give it a little review on my website!
06 January 2010
Got the car back
We went and picked up the car yesterday.
They THINK they got it all fixed
But they couldn't get the thing to replicate the problem
So who the fuck knows!
04 January 2010
Damn Car!
My 2001 PT Cruiser is in the shop!
As we were going to Park City the oil light came on!
and the engine was full of oil.
It goes out when you step on the gas, and comes back when you stop.
This is going to be EXPENSIVE
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