This is just my little place to complain, to express my thoughts, and to sometimes put up little things about my life that I may feel like sharing. I'm fairly opinonated at times, and my opinions have offened people in the past, and I know they will in the future. If you are offended easily, please, feel free to go somewere else! Simple fact of the matter is, I may offend you with my thoughts, and you may offend me with yours. If you can't deal with it, I don't really care.

31 October 2013

Moving Forward in the name of progress

It doesn't matter if you're successful of working class you're still paying for others to sit in their ass and collect that check . How is it a moral thing to take money at gunpoint from someone that's worked hard and been successful in their life just to give it to someone who isn't a success whether it's by circumstance or by choice? Some people would tell you that no one would make a choice to not be successful, but when you have government that is ready to help keep you down then it's much easier to make that kind of choice, even if you didn't know that you did make it. Capitalism will always have people who are more successful that others, in a real moral society those who aren't as successful would be motivated to do something about it. With ideas like socialized medicine (single payer) , food stamps for life, 99 weeks of unemployment, and disability for the able bodied what do you really expect?
The progressives know full well that all they need to do I'm order to stay in power is to make people think it's ok to be lazy. With almost 1/2 of America accepting a government check, they've done a pretty good of progressing this one great country to the point that they can stay in power for a long time. Unfortunately for them, handouts can only last so long before the money runs out.

11 October 2013

The Collapse of The American Dream

If you haven't watched this video before you need too!

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
 -Thomas Jefferson
The Federal Reserve bank is probably the most dangerous things to not just the American economy, but the world's economy. The USA has managed to become the economy that the world looks at, this was done through capitalism, not through government intervention. Unfortunately, we have the Federal Reserve, a private institution that has control of our money and our economy. They are currently printing money that is worthless, just to try to make people feel good about they money that is out there. I know that this video is long, but it's a half hour that will hopefully wake you up and make you realize that we're doomed. 

Keeping Control of Power

The media has reported in such a way that Obama the Great saying he either won't negotiate or will only negotiate AFTER her gets everything he wants means the GOP is unyielding and it's their fault the government is shut down. Sen. Rand Paul proposed the senate vote to reopen the government the other day, not one democrat voted for it. As bad as the Republican party is, the democrat party is acting like a bunch of crybabies backing a dictator that if he can't get what he wants just uses an executive order to get it. Once the courts actually hear the things that he did to change parts of the ACA will be overturned, he doesn't have the authority to delay laws that have been passed through congress, there is a reason the founders of this once great republic put a system of checks and balances in the constitution. Unfortunately the progressive media is 99% on the side of the politicians that want to "fundamentally change" the United States of America. These politicians come from both sides of the isle and are not concerned about Americans, they are concerned with power.

He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power
-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

If you have ever watched the Start Wars movies, George Lucas points out what politicians want, and that's the problem. They are more concerned with gaining and keeping power than they are about keeping the country on the correct path. The founders of this country knew that this would eventually happen, unfortunately the progressive politicians have perverted the  constitution, and have hijacked the courts in order to keep their power. They have hijacked the universities, which has helped them to gain control over the media. 

As long as the progressives have control of the Universities and the media, they will have control of the Federal Reserve and the Government. They can do as they wish, and although some of them may get ousted occasionally, they will always keep control of the country.

10 October 2013

Delay Obamacare?

     As we are still in the middle of a government shutdown where our dear leader, Obama the Great (OtG) is doing anything and everything he can do in order to hurt the citizens of this once great country. OtG has said that he is unwilling to negotiate unless he gets everything he wants first, which  did sound pretty much like a dictator our at least a wannabe dictator.  And as long as the government is shut down he will continue to fight against the American people.
     One of the offers that had been made by congress is to delay the individual mandate I'm his health care law for a year considering that OtG has illegally delayed the employer mandate part of it for a year. If he was to make this compromise all it would do is delay for a year the TAX that he has imposed on you if you don't buy insurance. Delaying the individual mandate doesn't change anything else about this travesty of a law.
     When I was young I didn't bother having medical insurance unless my employer gave it to me for free. Even when I did have insurance I rarely ever used it for anything, I was healthy, and didn't even like to see a Dr when I got hurt.
    What will happen to young people who aren't on their parent's plan if the individual mandate is in place? Most think they'll have to pay a $95 fine when they do their taxes next April, this is a little deceiving though, it's the larger amount of $95 or 1% if your income. I'm case you're a little too dense to do that math the $95 is for someone who makes $9500 in 2013. For reference, if you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week for the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, you would make about $15, 000. That would make your Obamacare TAX  $150.
     Do the math for yourself, even if you have insurance what would you pay next April if you didn't?  This is just another way for Obama the Great to punish you, you're not part of the elite class in this country. If you were, there would be a golden parachute for you too, it's not just for republicans, it's got the elite ruling class because they're all the same.

07 October 2013

Enemy of the People

As the government shutdown continues the Obama regime is paying federal employees to hurt the American people. While keeping things like the Amber alert system up and running are deemed "non essential" during the shutdown, having park rangers blockade access to the WWII memorial (remember Tom Hanks soliciting private donations for that?), putting cones up so you can't pull off the road to stop and see Mt. Rushmore, or blocking the parking lot to Mt. Vernon are deemed "essential government functions. The only purpose that this serves it's too hurt the citizens of the United States.
     I'm not sure if this is the plan, or if our leader is conducting a test, a test to see how far he can convince these park rangers and others to hurt the American people. If they are willing to just do petty things to hurt the people, will they be willing to go further in order to violate your rights? Where will it end?
Let me say this as clearly as I can, if you are carrying out the regime's orders to hurt the American people, You are an enemy of The People.